Wednesday, June 30, 2021

That gorgeous July sky is straight ahead

And just like that, we are closing out the month of June! I am so shocked that it has come and gone already. We've barely breathed this month, and July is going to be even busier. I'm really hoping that by August, the big project at our house will be finished, and we can get back to some normalcy!

My July sky is nearly upon us. Nowhere in the world does a blue sky better than Upper East Tennessee in the months of October, July and January. The hue of blue in October and July seems almost unnatural/made up, yet, ironically, when you look up, you know that no human mind could ever have come up with the color of the sky during those months. January is a bit different, but the thinner, icy blue during that month is stunning in its own way.

We've been spending every evening outside with Bunny and her hoppers. They've been loving it. With summer officially upon us, we've brought out the fans to aim on us as we sit outside. Helps keep us cooler, of course, but I actually have them directed right on us in an effort to make sure that the mosquitoes and other bugs are kept at bay. It works pretty well, and so far, I'm not terribly chewed up with bites, which is a bonus. As you can see, Bunny and Trudy also enjoy the fans!

Aaaand here's lil' guy, TC. See what he's found? My dish towel basket! He's decided that it's comfy and a great place to relax and contemplate life. See those eyes? Absolutely beautiful. I look at him, and I could eat him whole. He is so very, very precious to me. No, he didn't get fussed at. He's still a baby just doing baby things. I washed the towels and life moved on. 
We do not have the pumpkins in yet, not sure if that's going to happen this year. It will be a first in well over a decade, but that's okay. So many people thought that 2020 was terrible, but I have found 2021 to be way more of a challenge than 2020 ever was. 2021 has just been weird weather-wise, and that feeling of being out of sorts seems to hover for me. While I can't explain it, I try not to dwell on it, either. I just make whatever necessary adjustments need made, and I push through to the next thing. I don't think of it as drudgery. It's just part of being a grown-up and taking responsibility for my life, even on the days when I don't feel like participating. 

The gardens are getting beautiful and lush. Going to, hopefully, post several pictures over the weekend. So far, the Fourth of July weather looks beautiful -  84 with low humidity. I have to get by our local bakery for an apple pie. They'll get gone quickly, and they are closed on Sunday. I'm thinking we'll grab a pie on Friday. It'll keep just fine until Sunday. If we wait until Saturday to get one, they'll be all gone! Gotta have apple pie for the Fourth.

Today is hot, 88, but the humidity is moderate, and there will be a breeze. Tomorrow is cooler and brings us thunderstorms followed by a cooling off into the 70s for a couple of days. Heaven! I do like a warm day as I get older. Stepping out into warm air after being in air conditioning is so nice. I appreciate and am grateful for A/C, but sometimes, it makes my bones ache. A sunny warm up feels SO comforting. 

So our strange, weird year is rolling right along. Summer brings with it all kinds of things to love and enjoy, and I'm grateful it's here. I used to live for autumn, but I have come to realize this year that summer is my new jam. Never, ever thought I'd say that. Tomorrow will be a day to celebrate with either a Frosty Blue Cream Soda or a Sonic drink with tots, a stroll through the gardens, and just a day in general to be grateful for the beginning of the second half of the year. At some point this weekend, we'll follow our habit of pulling closed our blinds and curtains against the heat and popping some corn to go with a scary movie. Sheer, simple bliss and, oh, so relaxing.

Blessings and love to you. I sincerely hope that your weather is as beautiful as ours, and that your garden patches are blossoming and happy and the yield of your veggies is over the top so you have extra for sharing! Don't forget to celebrate the "new half year" tomorrow with something you love!

1 comment:

Dinahsoar said...

Happy Summer...sure wish I could eat popcorn with a movie. The year is almost half gone; another month and school starts, then bam it's fall, then bam it's Christmas, then bam it's 2022.