Thursday, June 16, 2022

Now we're cookin' with gas (not really, we're all electric)

The first fry-up of the season has been done! Zucchini, yellow squash, a cast iron skillet, lots of butter, salt, pepper, and a large dusting of parmesan did the trick just right. It. Was. Good! As we all know with these particular vegetables, they'll roll in on the vine faster than they can be eaten. They taste like summer, and it's wonderful.

The heat wave - what can I say? It's almost everywhere, we're all miserable and a bit snappy from it. If you can't bear it alongside your fellow mankind, then keep to yourself as much as possible until it runs its course. Next week looks brutal, too. We are being careful with our electric usage, trying to do our bit to help out, particularly during the highest head of the day. Thermostats at 75 for several hours during the day, blinds pulled, curtains closed, no appliances running. If any laundry is absolutely necessary, it is only done during the very early morning hours. 

The weekend brings us us a bit of a reprieve, with 50s in the mornings. The washer will be going steadily, and clothes, towels and bedding galore will be line-dried in the warmest part of the day rather than in the dryer. Then, we'll wait out the next week and hope and pray that the heat breaks. We need rain, too. I think most places need rain right now.

The picture below sums up the heat wave beautifully. I refer to it as "hazy plush," because heat in the air tends to distort images a bit. The yard and trees are a lovely green at the moment, but without rain, that tide will turn. Brown will become the color of the season if we don't get some liquid sunshine soon. I feel terribly sorry for anyone who has planned an outdoor wedding this summer. They're gonna roast on their special day!

Did you see the pink full moon on the 14th? It was beautiful. If you missed it, that's okay, because the funny thing about time is that, eventually, another full moon rolls around. We are over halfway through June, it's boiling, we need rain, and time has sprouted wings and taken off. That's okay, maybe it'll head us away from this heatwave sooner than later! Love to you on this (very hot) 16th day of June 2022. May we all find a cool spot to refresh us and to help us stay composed.

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