Look at Bunny, sniffing that wind! Isn't she cute? You just know she smells mousies and bunnies scurrying around doing their thing. I'm sure she'd like to get to them to "check them out," but that's not happening. Live and let live around here! We leave the bunnies and mousies alone, they're doing no harm.
Yesterday was the last day of our July sky, and boy, howdy, did July go out with a bang! We had a huge thunderstorm roll through here. My border collie is not thunder-phobic, but there were a couple claps of thunder that cause her to crawl up beside me on the bed and tuck herself into me as closely as she could. I knew the storm was coming, though. My headache told me so.
In three months, my nature show really begins with the October blue sky and the turning of the leaves! I'm excited for it, and I'm really hoping that all is well in this strange world of Covid and mostly-normal living has resumed.
Speaking of impending Autumn, the pumpkin patch is vining beautifully. I had planned to get into the patch today to look for baby pumpkins, but it's way too soggy. I don't want to sink and pull any roots down by walking around in the patch, so I'll try to get a glimpse from the sidelines. I'll leave well enough alone for now and maybe tomorrow, the ground will have firmed up a bit.
Look at the Pugster! Okay, so the Pugster is a newer version of the Butterfly Bush. Butterfly Bushes can get huge. I have two of the big kind. This kind, however, only grows to two feet by two feet. I got this one from a local nursery. The owner had sold out of all of the ones that she ordered; however, she had made a cutting from one that got broken and it appeared to root. She sold it to me for just $3, and I happily paid for it. I knew it would grow for me. It was tiny when my dad planted it, but look at it now! It's had numerous blooms, and the butterflies have enjoyed it.
The weather lately is anyone's guess. We've been having storms about every other day. We are mostly in the 60s in the morning, but today will get very warm, I believe - around 90 and the "feels like" temperature will be closer to 1,094 degrees (gotta remember that humidity makes it worse!). I'm really craving an ice cold Coca-Cola and a bag of Cookout hushpuppies dipped in ketchup and mustard. Those are SO good. If you have one in your area and you like hush puppies and corn dogs (bear with me), you'll love Cookout's hush puppies. They taste very much like a combination of corn dog breading and cornmeal hushpuppies with an oniony flare. I know that sounds odd, but . .. there you have it. They are not a traditional hushpuppy shape, either. They're long-ish, like a chubby finger. You can get an order for $1, and that little bag is packed with enough hushpuppies for two people. It makes a great snack and a change from tater tots and onion rings, although I really never tire of those. For some reason, these hushpuppies taste best with Coca-Cola. Great on a hot day; reminds me of the fair, and your car will smell like carnival or fair food for a bit. Even better than new car smell!
Speaking of the fair - tomorrow would have been our annual trip to our local county fair to tour the food and art and garden exhibits and to enjoy a fresh, warm funnel cake topped with apple pie filling. No, it's not the end of the world that the fair got canceled, and I know that next year's fair will roll around quickly. But at the same time, I'll miss is terribly. It does leave a hole in the year for me. It's always been a great way to spend about three hours on a Sunday, and I can honestly say that it makes me a bit sad.
Fare thee well until next time. I'm hoping I will have a picture of a funnel cake to share with you because that would mean that I have found a local place that sells them!
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